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Andrew “Dirty Dirty” Knuttel


Andrew "Dirty Dirty" Knuttel takes a punch against Akron RFC


From: Levittown, PA – Outside Philly
Occupation: Materials Technician
Position: Hooker, but have played a few others in the past
Played Rugby Since: Fall 2012
Birthday: Aug. 21

Accolades/Accomplishments: 2015 Keystone All-Conference, 2014-2015 Field Captain, 2014-2015 Fundraising Chair, and 2014-2016 7’s President (University of Pitt), Pitt City Club Rookie of the Year (2016), Pittsburgh Forge Sportsman of the Year (2019)
Previous teams
: Pitt City, University of Pittsburgh, Chubby Chasers, Allegheny Select Side


Q : How did your rugby career begin, or how were you introduced to rugby?

A : I was initially going to play lacrosse my sophomore year of college, but heard dues were ~$500/ semester and rugby was free the first semester and ~$50 the second. Decided to give rugby a try out and enjoyed enough to keep playing a second. During that second semester, my understanding of the game grew tremendously and I kept coming out ever since.

Q : What do love most about rugby?

A : I like the winning the most. The friendships and memories are great and I cherish them, but I've always been competitive.

Q : What would you like people to know about rugby who have never encountered the sport before?

A : You will be clueless for a while and you will make mistakes. You have to be willing to make mistakes at 100% and learn from those mistakes.

Q : What is your favorite personal rugby moment?

A : In 2016, I went with The University of Pittsburgh Rugby team to Las Vegas 7s. After our matches had completed on the second day, we stuck around the fields that we had played on that day and got to watch the international sides warm up.

Q : If I had an airplane full of jellybeans and I wanted you to get them all out, but in a very sanitary way so that I could still eat them, what would you do? You have 24 hours to do this, but you have unlimited funds

A : I don't care about the jellybeans. With the unlimited funds, I could just buy a new airplane that does not have jellybeans and use that instead.

Q : Who won Super Bowl LII?

A : The Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots 41-33! Go Birds

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